Table 4(Threshold Analysis of Assistants' Grade- As on 1.7.2000)

S.No. Cadre Sanction   Strength Total  Working Total Regular Direct Recruits out of 4 Senioirty quota out of 4 Total ad-hoc UDC SL year of Jr. most Assistnat SCs out of 4 STs out of 4
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Agriculture & Cooperation 176 174 152 36 116 22 1985 23 14
2 Civil Aviation 101 101 100 29 70 1 1986 16 9
3 Company Affairs 26 26 25 9 16 1 1984 5 1
4 Commerce 139 139 94 39 55 45 1989 19 9
5 Coal 25 23 23 8 15 0 1995 2 1
6 Consumer Affairs 18 18 15 6 9 3 1989 5 2
7 Defence 252 252 240 52 186 12 1987 42 9
8 Education 351 342 282 75 207 60 1989 54 22
9 Environment 62 62 49 13 36 13 1989 8 3
10 Food 100 99 94 80 76 5 1985 18 10
11 Finance 441 436 391 121 270 45 1987 73 12
12 Fertiliser 54 54 43 11 32 11 1989 10 5
13 Home Affairs 588 561 530 142 388 31 1986 81 30
14 Health & Family Welfare 216 216 165 43 122 51 1987 5 2
15 Information & Broadcasting 292 291 284 102 172 7 1985 51 22
16 Industrial Development 155 155 142 13 49 13 1987 23 12
17 Law 48 42 41 11 30 1 0 8 1
18 Labour 139 129 122 33 89 7 1985 30 5
19 Mines 37 37 34 7 27 3 1996 6 2
20 Planning Commission 49 49 47 8 39 2 1991 8 2
21 Petroleum & Natural Gas 38 38 31 8 23 7 1988 9 1
22 Power 97 97 88 18 70 9 1985 21 4
23 Posts 102 102 80 24 56 22 1985 15 4
24 Rural Development 55 53 53 18 35 0 1993 12 6
25 Steel 39 39 33 10 29 6 1997 8 3
26 Science & Technology 53 53 49 40 32 4 1997 13 3
27 Surface Transport 106 106 93 27 66 13 1984 18 5
28 Supply 224 215 190 45 147 25 1984 39 12
29 Telecommunication 180 164 135 30 105 29 1985 23 12
30 Urban Development 272 270 263 74 189 7 1984 45 18
31 UPSC 284 284 201 40 161 83 1995 29 10
32 Social Justice & Emp. 65 60 52 20 32 8 1996 10 3
33 Water Resources 122 125 117 34 83 8 1987 24 9
  Total 4906 4812 4258 1226 3032 554   753 263